How to Be an Effective Worship Leader

by | Updated February 18th, 2023

Worship ministers have the awesome responsibility of leading others into the presence of God. Some people believe the only requirement for building an effective praise and worship team is being a good singer or musician, but that is only the beginning. Understanding the nature of worship, and your role in it, is crucial.

When my husband and I first started planting churches, I had no idea how to lead worship. It was only through trial and error that I learned what building an effective music ministry really meant. Most worship leaders have good intentions, but over time many end up just going through the motions. Don’t let that happen to you!

The only way to teach others to worship Jesus in all things is to practice it yourself. If you are rigid, unmoving, and unwilling to change, the people you lead will be too. As worship leaders our goal is to point people to Jesus. It really is all about Him.

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