Sample Baptism Letter

by | Updated February 18th, 2023

Below is a sample baptism letter that should be mailed to each candidate at least one week prior to the service. Feel free to adapt the letter to your particular church or ministry.

Sample Letter for Baptism Candidates

Dear _____________,

Your baptism is a very important step of faith and obedience in your walk with the Lord. We rejoice with you and are thankful for the privilege to minister to you in this holy ordinance. In order to help prepare you, we offer the following instructions:

There are instructions in God’s Word concerning baptism. Who should be baptized? Every believer should be baptized (Mark 16:16). Why are we baptized? We are baptized to obey Christ and confirm repentance (Acts 2:38). We are also baptized to identify with Christ and to relate our testimony (Colossians 2:10-13). Lastly, we are baptized to follow Christ in a covenant relationship (Romans 6:3-5).

When are we to be baptized? We should be baptized as soon as possible following our commitment to Christ (Acts 19:1-5). We should be baptized when we understand what baptism means. Parents of children must make a determination of their understanding with the help of an assisting elder. When we are too young (infant baptism), we do not understand the spiritual meaning of what we are doing. Therefore, we do not baptize infants.

How are we baptized? We are baptized by an ordained minister. The minister (pastor) baptizes and the elder assists. We are baptized in water by full immersion, “batisima” – to dip (Acts 10:47-48). Lastly, we are baptized in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit (Matthew 28:19-20).

Then, there are practical instructions. First, we should read the above scriptures and be sure we understand them. Pray for the Holy Spirit to make your baptism a significant spiritual experience to you. Arrive to church early to begin preparation (usually an hour before the service begins). We would like to pray with you prior to your baptism. You should notify the local elders one week in advance of the service you wish to be baptized.

Bring a change of clothes with you to your baptism. Wear to church the clothes in which you wish to be baptized. Comfortable slacks and a shirt or blouse will be fine. You will wear a robe over these over these garments (except children). Bring one or two towels, a plastic bag for your wet clothes, and a hair dryer (if needed). There are private dressing rooms and close access to rest rooms with mirrors and electric outlets.

Again, we are thankful for this opportunity to minister to you. We trust this letter will aid you in preparing for water baptism. If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to let us know.

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