Speaking in Tongues – Members of One Body
“For as the body is one, and hath many members, and all the members of that one body, being many, are one body: so also is Christ” (1 Corinthians 12:12).
Whether we are Jews or Gentiles, bond or free, white, black, Asian or whatever ethnicity or cultural background we may have, we have all been made members of one body in Christ. God’s Spirit has united all true believers into one spiritual body. The believers of the early Church were members of the body of Christ, as are we. Thank God, we are members of the same body. Our nationality, race or background makes no difference. We have all been made to drink of the same Spirit.
Those early believers enjoyed the fullness of the gifts of the Spirit. All of the gifts were prominent in the Church. We cannot read the New Testament without being aware that the Church experienced power and blessing that is sadly lacking today. Yet, we are members of the same body. The Spirit that rested on the early believers is still present today.
I also want to suggest that we are still in the Church age. This is still the dispensation of the Holy Ghost. God has not changed His plan for the Church. God’s power and blessing has not diminished. What God placed in the Church in its beginning, He intends for the Church to enjoy today. No one can honestly suggest that God does not still desire to heal the sick, perform miracles, and manifest His grace supernaturally. If God cannot and does not do it today, we can conclude He never did. But, thank God, the Holy Spirit still wants to minister through the people of God today. The gifts of the Spirit are still to be present in the worship and activity of the Church.
Since these gifts were a part of the early Church, and we are still in the Church Age (the dispensation of the Holy Spirit), I maintain that God still wants His Church to be graced with these gifts – all of them. The age of tongues is certainly in the list. The Church of the Lord Jesus Christ should be availing herself of what God has provided by the Holy Spirit. This is another reason why I believe in the ministry of tongues for today.
I have attempted to show ten Bible reasons why I Believe in the ministry of tongues. I am sure that as you consider carefully the gifts of the Spirit, you will discover an increasing hunger in your heart for more of God. There will be a seeking after His will and a cry from your soul. When we seek God’s face with all of our hearts, there will be revival. The Holy Spirit will have free course in our lives and worship (Church) services. Sinners will be convicted of their sins, the Church will be restored to the Bible pattern, and we will be prepared to greet our soon coming King, the Lord Jesus Christ.
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