Recommended Bible Commentaries and Study Guides
Building a library of Bible commentaries and reference guides will help you gain a deeper understanding of scripture, strengthen your faith, and expand your ability to create a powerful sermon. Studying commentaries from other teachers is a must if you want to be a good expositor of the Word. That said, always use at least three different sources. You will come away from your study confident that you have adequately researched your passage, understood it clearly, heard from God, and able to apply it properly.
Recommended Bible Commentaries and Study Guides
- Ministrymaker Resources: We have a number of resources in our store which can be downloaded in PDF format. We presently have nine books by Dr. Gary S. Linton which includes a commentary on James and Revelation, books on prayer, victorious living, church planting, theology, and ministerial ethics and a new believers manual. There are also seven books by his mentor and overseer the late Dr. Paul E. Paino.
- J. Vernon McGee: John Vernon McGee was an American ordained Presbyterian minister, pastor, Bible teacher, theologian, and radio minister. He was best known for his popular radio program, “Through the Bible.” From Genesis to Revelation, McGee taught through the Bible every five years. Use the downloads or YouTube which are more in order with the book listed.
- Chuck Smith: Pastor Chuck was one of the best Bible teachers of our time. He had a unique ability to make God’s Word simple. His audio teachings give a clear exposition and understanding of the entire Bible as well as many topical studies.
- Chuck Smith’s Bible Commentary: Pastor Chuck’s audio recordings through the Bible have been completely transcribed making a commentary of the entire Bible. This gives you a thorough understanding of every passage in God’s Word. This commentary will enrich your study of the Word of God as well as being an excellent resource for teaching and sermon preparation.
- Matthew Henry: This commentary set has been a cherished resource for pastors and clergy for generations. It covers each book of the Bible thoroughly and gives very practical insights into each passage and can now be found online.
- William Barclay: William Barclay was a Scottish author, radio and television presenter, Church of Scotland minister, and Professor of Divinity and Biblical Criticism at the University of Glasgow. Barclay’s daily Bible study through the New Testament gives insight into the time and context of each passage, as well as an understanding of the original language.
- Henry Ironside: Henry Allan “Harry” Ironside was a Canadian–American Bible teacher, preacher, theologian, pastor and author who pastored Moody Church in Chicago from 1929 to 1948. His teachings are very simple, easy to understand and will give you a lot of practical applications.
- Arthur W. Pink: Arthur W. Pink was an English Bible teacher. Little known in his own lifetime, Pink became one of the most influential evangelical authors in the second half of the twentieth century. His writings will give you a wealth of insight into scripture and the things of God. His teachings will enhance your study of God’s Word.
- G. Campbell Morgan: Doctor George Campbell Morgan D.D. was a British evangelist, preacher, a leading Bible teacher, and a prolific author. He was the pastor of Westminster Chapel in London from 1904 to 1919 and 1933 to 1943. He then handed over the pastorate to Martyn Lloyd-Jones, after having mentored him since 1939. Morgan’s books and commentaries will give you tremendous insight into God’s Word. His Exposition on the Whole Bible gives you a brief overview and understanding of each chapter in the Bible.
- Martyn Lloyd-Jones: Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones was a Welsh Congregationalist minister and medical doctor who for almost 30 years was the minister of Westminster Chapel in London. He served as associate minister to G. Campbell Morgan from 1939 to 1943 at which time he took over as senior minister through 1968. He is considered by many to be one of the foremost Bible expositors. His teachings are not brief. If you’re looking for an in-depth study of God’s Word, his writings and audio messages are a must.
- Bible Portal: Bible Portal has in it multiple Bible commentaries from a variety of authors, Bible teachers and theologians. With it you can research Bible passages and books of the Bible from a host of different commentators enriching your spiritual life and ministry.
- Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance: A necessary tool for any Bible student, especially beginners. It allows you to look up any word and find every place it appears in the Bible. It also includes Greek and Hebrew dictionaries so you can look up the word’s basic meaning from the original language.
- Thayer’s Greek-English Lexicon: This is a Greek dictionary that allows you to look up the original meanings of words in the Bible. The numbers next to each word in both Strong’s and Thayer’s correspond with each other for easy use.
- Vine’s Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words: This is also good for looking up key words in your study. In this dictionary you’ll be able to find not only the meaning of the word, but also whether it’s a verb or noun, etc. A must have for every serious Bible student.
- Word Studies: There are three Greek word studies that we highly recommend. These will enrich your study of the original language and are a must for sermon preparation. Vincent Word Studies, Robertson’s Word Pictures, and Wuest Word Studies.
We pray these resources are a blessing to you. We’re confident they will enhance your study of the Bible and enable you to “Study to show yourself approved unto God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of Truth” (2 Timothy 2:15).
In His service,
Dr. Gary S. Linton, PhD
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